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How to Export My Data

If you wish to export your data from Gas Engineer Software, you can do so at any time on our web portal - here's how you can do that.

Nilesh Sujan avatar
Written by Nilesh Sujan
Updated over 2 weeks ago

Exporting Customer and Job Address Data

From the "Job Addresses" tab, you will see an "Export Data" button. Selecting this will prompt you to open or save a file incorporating the date, in CSV format. This file will be a spreadsheet of all your customer data, as well as their job address data. Any info that you have added to a customer or job address will be in this file.

How to Export Customer and Job Address Data:

  1. Navigate to the "Job Addresses" Section
    In the top navigation bar, locate and click on "Job Addresses".

  2. Select export data
    On the job addresses page you will see a gray "Export Data" button next to the Add Job Address button.

Exporting Invoice Data

From the "Invoices" tab, you will see a "Download Invoice Data" button. Selecting this will prompt you to open or save a file incorporating the date, in CSV format. This file is a spreadsheet of all of your invoice data in Gas Engineer Software.

How to Export Invoice Data:

  1. Navigate to the "Invoices" Section
    In the top navigation bar, locate and click on "Invoices".

  2. Select Download Invoice Data
    On the invoices page you will see a gray "Download Invoice Data" button.

Older Certificates and Invoices

For all of the certificates/records you have issued, you will have a copy of those in your own email client.
All records issued from the app get CC'd to the issuing engineer, and all records get CC'd to the admin email (found in your "Company Settings") as well.

Searching through your email client is quite easy to do, and you can search by customer name or the job address, which should bring up any records you have ever issued for these customers and job addresses.

However, we can export all of your issued PDF records for you, should you wish. Just ask, and we will supply you with a download link that will allow you to download ALL of your issued records in one zipped folder, containing sub-folders of each type of record.

For Safari users, exported files opened in the browser will not display correctly and the file will likely be saved as a .numbers file. Simply rename the file by replacing the file extension with .csv or open the file with the Numbers App.
For example:
Would become:
This will get your spreadsheet software to recognise it.

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